Ken Burgess is a dedicated and experienced Employee Assistance professional. Beginning as an internal EAP counselor, he has worked all areas of service: As the manager of programming for three Fortune 100 corporations; the EAP Director for the largest health insurer in California; and, as the managing partner of a successful start-up in Brazil.
For 30-years, Ken Burgess has provided consultation and direction to some of the largest EAP and managed care firms in America. Through this experience, he's discovered strategies that raise the quality and return on investment of workplace services, positioning them to positively impact employee health and wellness and the company's bottom line.
EAP is comprised of professionals with this level of experience and dedication to the field. Our collective skills and abilities cover virtually all areas of EAP, WorkLife, expatriate, and other workplace programming. In addition, our staff members are experienced international consultants. Some, like Mr. Burgess have also worked in programs abroad. |